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DIY Halloween costumes: How to make the dress costume

You're bound to win your costume contest with this surprisingly easy DIY Halloween costume tutorial.
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/ Source: TODAY

It was the most talked about and controversial issue of the year — perhaps even of the decade — so, why not spark conversation by wearing it as a timely Halloween costume? No, we're not talking about Donald Trump's presidential run. It's all about that Internet-breaking dress.

RELATED: White and gold? Or blue and black? Dress sets the Internet ablaze with color debate

We won't tell your Halloween party how easy it really was to create.

Project Runway alumnae Kate Pankoke, now the designer for Elaya Vaughn Bridal, showed how to create your own version of #TheDress. And in case you're doubting how simple this costume really is, Pankoke enlisted her friend and self-proclaimed DIY rookie Jackie Bender to help.

RELATED: The dress is blue. Here's why.

What you'll need:

  • Two of the same dresses in opposite colors — even better if they are made of lace. We scored tan and black lace dresses from Forever21 for a steal!
  • Ribbon in the color you need. We found just the right royal blue and crisp white.
  • Fabric paint in the color you need. The metallic gold worked perfectly.
  • A hot glue gun.
  • Sponge brushes.
Pro tip: Use the original photo as a guide for where to place the stripes.
Pro tip: Use the original photo as a guide for where to place the stripes.TODAY

What you'll do:

Step 1: Cut the dresses in half vertically.

Make sure you're working on one front half and one back half so they form one dress when re-attached. We suggest putting whichever color you saw in the photo front and center.

Step 2: Paint stripes.

Using the original photo as a guide, sponge paint stripes onto one side of the dress. Allow it to dry while working on the next steps.


RELATED: 61 awesome Halloween costume ideas it's not too late to steal

Step 3: Measure and cut the ribbon strips.

Place in a striped pattern similar to the original dress and hot glue them onto the base.


Step 4: Repeat Step 3 if necessary.

Now that the paint is dry, add lace ribbons as needed.

Step 5: Attach!

Sew, glue, pin or attach the two sides together to create one highly debatable dress.

Then, accept your "best costume" prize with pride!

For more Halloween party and costume ideas, follow TODAY on Pinterest.

RELATED: 35 DIY Halloween costume ideas you can make now