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See the 27 funniest parents on social media this week

These are the moms and dads that made us laugh out loud.
/ Source: TODAY

It's a cruel, cruel summer... but these parents are making it a little bit funnier! Pull up a beach chair and a boat drink. We're going to get through these last weeks of summer together.

Is there no in between?

I told you so.

I'm very loved.

Who are we kidding?

Resting middle-aged parent face.

I totally forgot about that.

So much fun.

Who makes these rules?

Maybe this summer thing is OK after all.


I dare you.

What was I thinking?

You are not, in fact, Lizzo.

We have to make our own fun.

Enter Sandman, indeed.

Hold on, let me get my tricorn hat.

Try harder, Summer Tooth Fairy.

I'm going to be very well hydrated.

And Advil. So much Advil.

What has become of me?


It's all theater.

How could I?

Smart kid.

I deserve a cookie.

He won't be going into marketing.

How do they live that way?

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